In eight days around the world in an Airbus A319
8 passengers travel to 8 different cities in 8 days

The eight passengers of Aerowulst fly for pleasure around the world. Flying becomes an exclusive experience. Where usually more than 100 passengers share the aircraft and space is actually unavailable, this becomes the highlight of the flight time for the Aerowulst passengers.
The entire interior develops in a strict grid from the interior aircraft shape. The bulges grow out of the wall and become soft wall panels, seating furniture, cupboards, decorative furniture, and design elements of the room.
Like a cell structure, the bulges pull through space and respond by their extent to the determined functions in the aircraft. During the flight, the passengers wear their own uniform consisting of a bulging hat and an overcoat. This increases their comfort, protects them against excessive cooling and dehydration, and makes them themselves to the design ensemble together with the Aerowulst.